Welcome to M1 Strong!

We are happy to have you part of the team as we guide you through your fitness journey! Now, before your fitness journey with us begins we want to go over a few things as we onboard you into your training program. Based on your onboarding questionnaire, we have designed a program that fits your needs. The movements, workout structure, and overall design of your program is specific to you and your goals, so it's important to follow sets, reps, exercise order, tempo, and rest periods.


Each movement or exercise has a designated amount of sets. The amount of times you are supposed to perform the reps.

a.     Example: 3 sets of 12 reps. Perform 12 reps, 3 times.


Each movement or exercise has a designated amount of reps. The number of times you’re to perform the movement in one single set.

Exercise Order.

Each movement or exercise is designated with a letter next to it, as it guides the user of the proper order in which to go through your workouts. A’s are to be completed for the designated sets before moving to the B’s, etc.

a.     Example: If there is an A1 & A2 movement for 3 sets, you’re to perform A1 then A2, back to A1 & A2 until 3 sets are complete and then move onto the B series.


Each movement or exercise is designated with a tempo. Tempo dictates something called “Time Under Tension” and based on your program the tempo is specific to the physiology that will help you reach your goals and needs. Each tempo is written in a 4 digit sequence. If there is no sequence written, guidelines in terms of exercise forum are written as the movement may not require a certain tempo. So what does the four digit sequence mean?

a.     Example: Barbell Curl with a 4101 tempo x 12 reps

  1. The First number is 4, which is the eccentric movement; in this case the barbell lowering to the start position should take 4 seconds.

  2. The second number 1, is the pause between the eccentric and concentric. In this case a 1 second pause before you curl the barbell back up towards your chest.

  3. The third number is 0, the concentric movement. In this case it's 0, so the motion of curling the barbell back towards your chest. If it's zero, in this case, just curl the barbell.

  4. The fourth number is 1, the pause between the concentric and eccentric. In this case as you curl the barbell towards your chest, pause for 1 second before lowering the barbell down.

Rest Periods.

Rest periods are important as they dictate the physiology of your program. After each movement has a designated rest period. Follow the rest period closely as it will guide you through your workout.